"The Urban Sponge IV" | TerraViva WS n°3 | Prato/Florence + Milan
- Applications at: workshop.terraviva@gmail.com
- Location: "ECòL" Studio (Via Pistoiese n.138, Prato) + Politecnico di Milano (Campus Leonardo)
- Credits: 4 (Extracurricular Credits ONLY | Published on the Diploma Supplement)
- Certificates of Attendance: will be given to the students after the Final Presentation of the workshop
- Official Application Link (PoliMi "Passion in Action" Portal):
- Dates:
- from Thursday 28/11 to Sunday 01/12: 4 intensive days of teamwork on the projects in Prato (ECòL) - Tuesday 03/12: Revision with TerraViva professors and tutors (PoliMi)
- Thursday 05/12: Revision with TerraViva professors and tutors (PoliMi)
- Tuesday 10/12: Revision with TerraViva professors and tutors (PoliMi)
- Thursday 12/12: Final Presentation to all the TerraViva professors (PoliMi)
- Saturday 14/12: Winners Announcement by email (no presence required)
- Program: The Official Schedule and Time-table will be released within next Monday 28/10
- Facebook/Instagram Pages: Workshop.Terraviva
- Hosted by: "ECòL" | https://ecol.studio/work