"Frutta Urbana" | Mapping, Collecting and Distributing Fruit from the City
In cities, and especially in Mediterranean climates, fruit grows abundantly. Urban fruit trees form a large collective orchard that is not harvested: tons of fruit falls on the ground and rots, creating management and cleaning problems. This represents an untapped resource and a unacceptable waste.
The fruit that grows in the city is not chemically treated with fertilizers or pesticides. In addition, since it is directly harvested from the trees when fully ripe, it is tastier and contains a larger quantity of vitamins and nutritional substances than fruit harvested unripe that travels great distances.
This experience began in Rome and it is the first project of its kind in Italy, thanks to the non profit association "Linaria". Frutta Urbana is a complex and dynamic project, which includes activities such as the free distribution of the harvested fruit to food banks or soup kitchens, the creation of new orchards to contribute to new proposals and ideas concerning urban public space, as well as activities, events, courses and workshops.
"Frutta Urbana" is in constant evolution and it offers to the community not only an innovative, ecological and free service, but also the opportunity to acquire knowledge and care for our common botanical heritage.
More info at: http://www.fruttaurbana.org/en/