"The Urban Sponge" | Prato | November 2018
“Think Like a Forest. Micro Projects for the MacroLotto” Prato is a very productive city of roughly 200,000 residents. The product is...
"Think Like a Forest" | ArchiLectures | Politecnico di Milano | 14.11.2018
Trees, bushes, briars, nettles, humus, worms, shadows, shafts of light, ponds, mushrooms, ants, birds’ nests, deer, boars, snakes: the...
"The Living Museum" | Orani | October 2018
"Ghost Stories: How to Rethink Urban Voids" Orani, a small city of 3,000 inhabitants, sits in the rugged interior of the island of...
Final Outputs | TerraViva Workshop n°1 | AgriShelter V | Models | October 2018
"AggriGate" Chen Chong, Paolo Paganotto, Beatrice Perlato, Di Yan, Roubing Zhong "San Faustino Oasis" Fabrizio Ceppa, Iacopo Neri, Erika...
"AGRItheatre" | Realized Project | San Faustino Garden | Milan | September 2018
“AgriShelter V” workshop will be carried out in conjunction with the annual festivity “Green Week” in order to celebrate the new public...
"THE URBAN SPONGE" | Terra Viva Workshop n°3 | Prato + Milan | November 2018
“The Urban Sponge” Workshop is devoted to rethinking empty urban spaces as potential sites for absorbing, cleaning, and redistributing...
Baroque Concert | "AgriTheatre" Opening | San Faustino Garden | 30.09.2018
- More Info at: workshop.terraviva@gmail.com - Location: San Faustino Garden (Ortica) - Schedule: 30/09/2018 - Open Event from 5:00pm...
"THE LIVING MUSEUM" | Terra Viva Workshop n°2 | Sardinia + Milan | October 2018
"Ghost Stories: How to Rethink Urban Voids" Orani, a small city of 3,000 inhabitants, sits in the rugged interior of the island of...
"AGRIshelter V" | Terra Viva Workshop n°1 | Milan | September 2018
“AgriShelter V” workshop will be carried out in conjunction with the annual festivity “Green Week” in order to celebrate the new public...
"AGRIshelter V" | Terra Viva Workshop n° 1 | Milan | September 2018
- Submissions at: workshop.terraviva@gmail.com - Location: Politecnico di Milano (Campus Leonardo) + San Faustino Garden (Milan) -...